Thanks so much for these recipes! And also for your tree efforts. I once wrote about your state’s loss of our nation’s tallest Sitka spruce. You might like the piece. I’ll get a link for you.

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You are very welcome. YES I would love to read your piece, do send link. Thank you from one 🌲💚-er to another.

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Here's a link to the archived story: https://crosscut.com/2007/12/a-tree-falls-in-oregon

Also, question for you: Do you think the 12-hour brine soak is enough to break down the oxalic compounds in almonds and other nuts? My husband is avoiding them due to kidney-stone formation.

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Thank you. I enjoyed the piece.

No, unfortunately from my research I don't think a 12-hour soak is enough to break them down. The information out there is a bit conflicting. I am now looking a little deeper. I think there is a post in this question.

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You’re welcome, and I’m glad you enjoyed it. And thanks on the nuts question. I’ll be sure to read it if you do post on oxalates; I’m not surprised to hear the info conflicts, as we’ve seen that on as central a question as whether or not to avoid coffee!

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Oooh I like the sound of this persimmon cider vinegar. Funny that, we just had our first taste of Philippine persimmons, they’re from up in the mountains up north where the cooler climate makes growing them possible, they were lovely! I saved seeds but doubt that they’d bare fruit where we are...

Lovely to hear about the tree planting and the rewilding of your piece of land. The summer sapling fatalities are familiar with me also but I’m getting better at it, we plant cassava around ours now and they quickly sprout and give some much needed shade.

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Thank you for enjoying the post and sharing what is possible and not possible on your small holding.

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