Kirsten ... you and Jakob are blessings to the beavers. I'll include Beverly and Joe in my morning mediations for healing as these two need all the support they can garner. Please keep us updated on the delivery and Beverly's leg recovery. Those front appendages are so critical to dam building!

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Thanks for thinking of them. I will keep you all posted on her progress. It is true she needs those front appendages right now we just are hoping for healing. It has atrophied and her hand is curled in on itself. She will never have use of it. In a more positive light though, beavers are strong family units and when she is recovered and released her mate and family will be able to pick up some of the slack. She is an animal with a support network.

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Wonderful! thanks for the tips regarding fermenting nettles. I will be def trying this out this summer.

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I love the beaver family, BUT, the effects of EMFs on wildlife and the rest of us are devastating, especially in close proximity and especially on the young.

There are meters available you can use to verify how much EMF is being emitted by your device.

There are many studies available in a simple search to confirm what I'm saying.

Don't get me wrong, I love your article.

God Bless.

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Thanks for the reminder. We actually haven't had the camera in there most of their stay. This was to make sure she was eating when she first arrived. Then it was removed. We will install periodically to make sure all is going well with the babies when they arrive and remove again. Luckily we are out where all the EMFs of a city life (were they came from) are almost non-exsistent.

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I'm so glad you know and are taking precautions. That's great. So many people don't know how damaging EMFs are and wireless tech is some of the worst.

Anyway, all God's creatures are so wonderful and I learn a lot from your channel.

Thank you. God Bless.

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This is so freaking cool. I am keeping my fingers and toes crossed for seeing some baby beaver videos soon. So what does an angry beaver do, just slap its tail on the ground or does it try to slap its tail across your legs or something?

Big yay for those homeschooling extra curricular activities paying off! Have you heard of Zach Stein? I was listening to a podcast of his and it was pretty cool, he was talking about testing (which we're currently stressing about) and the values we teach our kids, was really good, I think you'd like it

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It slaps the water. It is a show and not at all scary or dangerous.

Ah yes, the testing. I remember our journey through that--including the stress.

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haha, OK I only just now made the connection to "crazy beaver guy" and those wonderful letters. (I'm a bit slow). What a wonderful family you guys have made, your hearts are hopefully full and brimming, so glad I stumbled across both of your worlds.

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😂 yeah, he's a keeper.

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