For sure! Our honey is a bit precious though to use on this, we just keep it aside for medicine!
Hope Christopher’s shoulder is healing up well. My Mum and Dad live down in apple country in W.Australia and they also do a lot of the dried apple and persimmon rings, such a great snack!
These are exquisite, just right for special occasions or when you’re in the mood to branch out.
Funny, we also had a very yellow light yesterday evening, it was overcast as usual in the wet season afternoons here.
That black salt I’d never heard of before (nor the honey preserved fruit and nuts), it sounds crazy interesting!
I feel like you could try the honey with your local tropical fruits.
For sure! Our honey is a bit precious though to use on this, we just keep it aside for medicine!
Hope Christopher’s shoulder is healing up well. My Mum and Dad live down in apple country in W.Australia and they also do a lot of the dried apple and persimmon rings, such a great snack!
Heard on the honey.
Thank you, his shoulder is healing slowly but surely.
Such good snacks! As you can see, the above clean link will get you to the awful truth revealed by testing cinnamon for glyphosate, lead and cadmium. Fifteen conventional and organic brands were tested.