Hi Kirsten, I just subscribed to your newsletter because I'm passionate about fermentation. But I have to say that I find easier to read a post when there's a clear structure, like a summary at the beginning to that I know in advance what will be discussed, and so that I can jump to what's most interesting to me. Just to let you know :)

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Heard. I will make the subtitle more clear. What I love about this format is not having to write to SEO, I see these posts as a *letter* from me less than a blog post. The freedom of this allows me to feel authentic. For the most part you will hear my thoughts, or stories, that may or may not have anything to do with fermentation and any recipes at the end. Hope you enjoy and continue to evolve your passion with fermentation.

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As I sit and read the lovely story of your journey Kirsten I have one hand alternatively scrolling the phone screen and taking sips of my early morning coffee, the other peeling the skins off soaking soy beans. Will be following your basic tempeh recipe later today. Our first time. My wife Monica has never tasted it, me just a few times. So we’ve started with the basic recipe with some organic soy beans we bought last week on our city visit. After that we plan to try with the dried sigariyas beans (winged beans) and kadios (pigeon peas) which we had a nice small harvest of. I hope to make this a very regular thing in our diet as beans are easy and not much fuss to grow here, just got to keep Edna the sheep away from them. Thank you for all the teachings and hope you and Christopher get more of that lovely rain! ❤️

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Thank you. I love peeking into your world as you read this. Can't wait to hear about the winged beans and kadios. And....Edna the sheep. 🤭

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Feta recipe, please! 😊

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